Featured Event:

Our first ELEV8 420 Yoga - cannabis & yoga evening!
Join us on Friday, July 12 from 7 pm to 9:30 pm at our studio at 446 King Road in Richmond Hill.
Click on the image below for details and to register:

Events We'll List Here:

Grow TalksWe're putting on several live, in-studio free talk series on cannabis growing throughout the spring and summer.

WorkshopsPlan Alchemy workshops focusing on how to make luscious cannabis-infused products.

Course LaunchesWe'll reveal when new courses are coming on-stream and how you can get fantastic pre-launch discounts.

Events We're AttendingWe'll let you know what meeting, events or courses we're attending, too!

Upcoming Events

ELEV8 420 Yoga

When you combine cannabis with yoga, it helps you move away from the "flight, fight or freeze" stress reaction, and into a state of relaxation. Elev8 creates space for you to notice what feels right, and move with present-moment awareness of your whole self- mindbody, breath and spirit. Get all the details on our EVENT PAGE.

Book Tickets

The Art of Cannabis Cultivation ~ Part 6 - Harvest Moon

We've designed a free talk and demonstration series for those who want to learn about the art of cannabis cultivation. At Harvest Moon (Part 6) you'll learn: ~ How to harvest your flowering crop ~ The best times to harvest and why ~ The artisan's curing method ~ The Shelf life of your crop. As experienced growers, we'll take you through a live demonstration, and a step by step guide of curated visuals, (a gift for you to take home), to show you how to harvest and cure the artisans way.

Book Tickets

The Art of Cannabis Cultivation ~ Part 4 - A New Generation (repeat talk)

We can't do it with humans yet, but we'll show you how to clone the lovely ladies! We all know what it's like to want more of a good thing; right? With well over 1000 strains of cannabis on the market, it can be tricky to get consistency. We'll help you attain repeatable results through cloning. Those who enjoy and value cannabis, often find their experience with the plant is greatly enhanced when they grow their own (which is now legal in Canada!).

Book Tickets